Gippsland Obedience Dog Club (GODC) 

Membership Fees

Membership 2024/2025

Membership Fees are broken into three parts.

  • Joining Fee
  • Membership Fee
  • Insurance Levy

Mac, who recently turned 11
Mac, who recently turned 11


Joining Fees

  • Single: $25
  • Family: $25
  • Junior (aged under 18): $20
  • Pensioner (aged or disability): $20
  • Pensioner Family (aged or disability): $20

This fee is paid once only upon joining the club.

Membership Fees

  • Family: $40
  • Single: $35
  • Junior (aged under 18): $25
  • Pensioner: $20
  • Pensioner Family: $25

This fee is paid annually. It becomes due on 1 October each year and should be paid by 31 October. An insurance levy may also be payable (see below).

Insurance Levy

  • Single membership: $9.30
  • Family memberships: $18.60

This levy is paid annually but only by people who are not a member of Dogs Victoria (VCA). This Levy is a DOGS Victoria levy and is paid directly to them.

Weekly Fees

There is no weekly training fee, but gold coin donations are gratefully received. The donation box is located in front of the canteen counter.

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